Tips for a healthy life
A healthy and long life is everyone's greatest wish. It is
possible to live a healthy, happy and long life by protecting from diseases
with small changes that can be made in daily life. But it is necessary to
strive for this.
A healthy and long life is everyone's greatest wish. It is
possible to live a healthy, happy and long life by protecting from diseases
with small changes that can be made in daily life. But it is necessary to
strive for this.
Eat a balanced diet
Starting the day with a solid breakfast is one of the sine
qua non for healthy life. The most important thing to pay attention while
eating a balanced diet is to consume seasonal vegetables and fruits. Fruits and
vegetables grown in the season are healthier and do not require special media
and support. It is necessary to make 3 main meals and 3 snacks a day. Drink
plenty of water, low-fat, carbohydrate and protein-proportioned foods should be
Sleep regularly
We must allow your immune system to rest. Since sleep and
sleep without immunity are two interdependent things, chronic insomnia causes
damage to your immunity and prevents your body from fighting diseases.
Play sports
The best time for the body to be ready for sports is in the
evening. However, sports can always be done. Activities to train the legs,
abdomen, arms, chest and waist muscles are very important. If you are going to
do it throughout your life, 10 minutes of light pace running and 10 minutes
(shuttle, side shuttle, foot stretching) movements will be enough. If you can
do sports 3 times a week, it should be at least 20 minutes, and if you spend
less time, it should be at least 45 minutes.
Stay away from the sun
Sun rays which are sources of Vitamin D but cause cancer and
aging should be tried in the morning and evening. Sunlight hours that we will
take vitamin D is between 11.00-13.00 noon. The benefit and harm of sun
exposure during these hours should be well evaluated. Vitamin D is also an
antioxidant, supports the immune system, daily oral intake is recommended.
Keep your brain active
Puzzles, brain teasers, intelligence questions and memory
techniques keep the brain active. But don't strain your brain when you're
tired. A 20-page book that you will read daily, spices that you will use in
your meals (especially turmeric, saffron, cinnamon) help keep the brain active.
Every day, try to get new tastes in every field.
Take control of yourself
It is especially useful in controlling the body and
detecting new bumps and moles in the shower and after showering. It is very
important to detect breast cancer and emerging, deformed nevi (I's) early.
Stay clean
Take care to keep your body clean. Take a bath at least 2
times a week or once every 3 days. Use cleansing tools such as soap, fiber and
shampoo and rub all over your body thoroughly. Take care of toilet cleaning and
wash your hands frequently with soap. Many infectious diseases can spread from
the hands, remember this.
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